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What We Do & Why We Do It



Our Mission is to nurture our livable, vibrant, and evolving community through respectful collaboration among all classes, identities, and cultures.


Where  We  Want  to  Go


 Our Vision is to make Alkali & Mansion Flats the most healthy, inclusive, and sustainable mixed-use community in America.


Why  you  should  join!


We invite you to join us on our journey. Members receive special discounts from community businesses, vote for the Board of Directors, and connect with neighbors though fun and informative community events. Annual membership dues are $25.00




Members qualify for this association if they reside, own a business, run an organization, or own property within these boundaries: 


Alkali Flat: North to the Union Pacific Railroad Tracks, West to 7th Street, South to H Street and East to 12th Street

Mansion Flats: North to the Union Pacific Railroad Tracks, West to 12th Street, South to I Street and East to 16th Street

Membership Application

Pay membership dues for the year. Memberships valid through June 30, 2026.

Annual Membership $25

How do you qualify?
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